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Regularly dedicating an evening, a day or a week to the focused practice of mindfulness in the company of like-minded people can make a big difference in finding more sanity in our busy lives. Most of these offerings are for people with some experience of  mindfulness.


Longer, residential retreats are often a turning point for people, taking the understanding of mindfulness to a deeper level and helping to make it an integral part of one's life.

Moving into Stillness:
drop in every third Tuesday evening of the month 

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Starting 21 Jan, then 18 Feb, 18 Mar, 15 Apr, 20 May, 17 June

7-9 pm online 

A pause from the business and demands of life, to find our roots in the body again, in connection with the earth, with the heart and with the breath. We will be reminded of the goodness of being alive, treasuring the moment, relaxing our habitual reactions against what is unpleasant and our drivenness towards achievement.  Instead we are encouraged to slow down and find peace in acceptance and contentment with what is. Whatever is going on, we can allow ourselves to rest in appreciative awareness of ourselves and others.

Each drop-in practice session will feature periods of mindful movement and sitting meditations, as well as some opportunity to connect with each other and build a sense of community.

Your first session is free! After that, there is a sliding scale of £8.50 (in receipt of benefits) £12.50 (full price) £16 (support others). You can use the donation button on my website to pay.

Contact Ratnadevi: to book and receive the zoom link. 


Coming Down to Earth and into the Heart


5 day retreat with meditation and mindful movement

Thursday 14 – Tuesday 19 August 2025

for people with some previous experience, suitable for mindfulness CPD

with Ratnadevi and Kristine Mackenzie-Janson



It’s easy to get swept away by the pace of life and end up reacting rather than responding to what’s coming at you. This retreat offers a chance to pause and re-set, to reflect and be profoundly nourished by the natural beauty and welcome of the island.


There is a power in appreciation – it brings into focus what really matters to us: it may be kindness, connection, beauty or an inner spaciousness. Likewise, difficult experiences, as we acknowledge and allow them, can be a way in to discover what we long for. When we discover our heart’s orientation and come to trust it, our inner strength and resilience grow and we go back to ‘normal life’ with a refreshed sense of purpose and agency.


Mindful movement is highly effective in down-regulating our stress levels and settling our nervous system, particularly when done spaciously and with an emphasis on presence and enjoyment in our body as it is. It will help us to feel well-toned and grounded in our sensory experience, less prone to mental proliferation.

We are drawing from several disciplines: Chi-Kung, Yoga, Feldenkrais Method and fascia stretches. It doesn’t require any particular degree of fitness and flexibility, and people with particular health issues should get in touch with Ratnadevi prior to booking.


On the retreat we flow organically between movement and stillness, learning to see, hear, smell and touch the world with fresh appreciation and open-heartedness, doing less and being more. Some of the meditations on this retreat will explore kindness and compassion, developing skills to be more accepting and caring towards ourselves, others and the world. Acknowledging any inner objections or doubts is part of the process, as we encourage all of ourselves onto this organic journey.    


Once we have got to know each other a bit, much of the time will be in silence, including mealtimes and overnight. This will give us the opportunity to go deeper, while still feeling in connecting with others. In fact, allowing ourselves to be nourished by a growing sense of being part of something bigger, is a large part of our intention for the retreat. It can be so relaxing to the hard-working parts of us that are so used to striving on our own. There will also be opportunities to share what’s emerging in small groups. Weather permitting some practice will take place outside, in the peaceful and magical setting of the island – maybe doing walking meditation among the horses.


Bookings and cost:


In order to secure a place on the retreat, you must pay the tuition fee (which includes hall hire) of £270 by clicking the booking button below. We recommend you book soon to avoid disappointment.


You go the Holy Isle website to choose your room and pay for your accommodation and food. See their website for information on types of accommodation and costs.  


Important: The retreat starts with supper on the first day and finishes after breakfast on the final day. It is important to attend for the whole duration of the retreat, to ensure the best experience for yourself and the group.


The retreat is not suitable for people who experience major mental issues. If in doubt, please contact Ratnadevi or Kristine prior to booking.


Contact: or

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