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1-to-1 support from Ratnadevi: supervision, mindfulness training, coaching

  I bring to the work: 

- over three decades of indepth personal practice and study of mindfulness with a range of renowned Buddhist and secular teachers

- mentoring hundreds of students on courses and retreats 

- qualification in coaching for transformation , an intensive year-long certification programme 

- two decades of training in communication skills, primarily NVC (nonviolent or compassionate communication)

- an enquiring spirit that led to the completion of an arts-based PhD

- most importantly, a heartfelt commitment to my clients, bringing out their full potential as human beings and agents for a better world. 

supervision of mindfulness teachers

As one of the most experienced mindfulness teachers and trainers in Scotland I have supervised teachers and trainers since 2006. I offer

- indepth understanding of the principles of the 8 week programmes and teacher requirements MBI-TAC

- ongoing exploration of the expanding field of mindfulness in peer supervision

 with other senior practitioners and trainers.

I have found my regular mindfulness supervision work with Ratnadevi to be enlivening, insightful and supportive. Each session is a bit like an adventure in that I rarely know where we'll end up as we embark on an exploration 

together fuelled by our mutual interest and creativity.

Ratnadevi deftly facilitates my self reflection and helps me to encounter

 more of what is possible for me as a mindfulness teacher, meditator and 

traveller through life. At some point in our sessions we always hit upon 

something that will stay with me as a new tool or area for growth.

I would recommend Ratnadevi to anyone searching for a compassionate,

 enthusiastic and deeply curious coach/supervisor.

Fay Adams, mindfulness trainer with the Mindfulness


introductions to mindfulness and ongoing mentoring

I enjoy the easy flow, warm connection and humour that often 

characterise the work with one person.

 My clients typically are people whose work schedule or location makes it difficult to attend weekly group sessions or who simply 

prefer the one-to-one setting.

Individual sessions offer benefits such as 

- flexible hours (incl. weekends)

- choice of in-person, skype or phone meetings

- immediate response to specific personal issues

- tailor-made training programmes (as well as a standard 8 week course) 

- individualised home work assignments and email support

I am also open to teaching couples or small groups, which provides similar 

benefits. The trainings include a manual and links to guided practises.


If you have practised mindfulness for a while you may want to see me

 individually for 

- ongoing support and guidance

- looking creatively and compassionately at recurring themes

- deepening motivation, skill and understanding

- establishing support structures for effective mindfulness practice, including 

  email support

You can use my support in a variety of ways. You may want help to establish an effective meditation practice as well as improve life satisfaction in specific areas. Or you have mindfulness supervision with me when you are teaching and focus on your personal life and practice at other times. Get in touch to discuss what 

would suit you. 

tailor-made approaches

would wholeheartedly and warmly recommend Ratnadevi as a mindfulness 

supervisor and coach. I trust and respect her skills and her strong 

commitment to our 'work' together. We meet together on Skype which I 

thought would be limiting in lots of ways but I was wrong; we have established an important and vibrant connection with each other. I particularly appreciate her exploratory and enquiring style which I would say is a combination of 

lightness of touch and great depth. 

Ratnadevi and I have agreed to a model whereby when I'm delivering courses we can focus on Mindfulness Teacher Supervision which is specific to the 

challenges and opportunities of leading Mindfulness Classes. Here we can pay attention to teaching skills, personal practice, participants/the group and 

theory/understanding about Mindfulness. 

When I am not leading classes, we use the space for a more coaching style

 approach, going more deeply into personal challenges and exploring potential for personal growth. For example, my youngest son is about to leave home,

 which has brought awareness to the way I was mothered myself. I also found it very illuminating to look at the role of my inner critic. I have really 

appreciated Ratnadevi's warmth and encouragement and tender skills in 

supporting me to do this. 

Finally, I want to say something important about the way she absolutely 

embodies the heart and soul of mindfulness practice in the way she 

encourages us to pay attention to what arises in the supervision. I am learning such a lot about this radical practice from her and I feel hugely grateful.

Gerry Beasley, Research, Mindfulness Teacher

mindful coaching

As a coach I partner you on an exciting and at times terrifying journey to access 

the best in you and make the most of your life, in all areas: work, relationships,

selfcare and spirituality. I assist you in discovering what matters most deeply to you and find the courage and skill to manifest those values in the world, for the 

benefit of all.

 I support you in creating the conditions for the unfolding realisation of your 

vision in the detail of moment by moment experience. I stand by your side as 

you transform whatever keeps you from living authentically and compassionately


Do you perhaps have a sinking feeling of self doubt, because you have tried so many times to change and make something happen in the world, without much 

success? Is there this nagging feeling of being ‘not good enough’ (Tara Brach 

describes it as living in the ‘trance of unworthiness ‘) and you try to escape it 

through short term pleasure giving activities, foods and substances that easily 

become addictive and yet never fill that gaping inner hole? Are you feeling 

overwhelmed by the enormity of information assailing your senses, stuck and not knowing how to choose what is relevant to yourself and your projects? Do you 

find your ability to concentrate diminished or are you struggling to accomplish the things you really want to do? Are you finding yourself puzzled why, despite all

 the physical comforts and readily available pleasures of the 21 century you are not happier? 

If your answer is yes then you are not on your own. In a US study 80% of people admitted to not being able to concentrate on one task and two third of people 

found it hard to set priorities. There is now a psychotherapeutic emergency clinic in Germany dealing with people who suffer from procrastination and related 

social problems, anxiety and depression. A recent UK study reveals that 60% of people admit to be addicted to their digital devices. 

So how can mindful coaching help? At the heart of personal and structural 

change lies present moment, curious and accepting awareness combined with 

an emergent sense of clear purpose. The coaching relationship is a context 

where you can slow down and befriend yourself on all levels; access your 

inherent ingenuity and discover and trust your body’s wisdom. 

Mindful coaching is a bit like meditating together. When we practise mindfulness meditation, sooner or later we realise that real progress can only be made when we embrace the areas of our experience that don’t look so good. As Rumi says 

in the famous poem ‘The guest house’: the dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in. As your coach I am 

unequivocally present for you. I offer unconditional acceptance if you choose to 

explore your longheld fears and patterns of resistance, when you experiment with speaking the unspeakable. 

I also share with you the relief and deeper connection with life that inevitably 

follows from being more nakedly present with experience. Inspired by the 

vividness and beauty of your values we put our minds together to devise action 

steps and establish accountability

My coaching with Ratnadevi has led to some key changes: I am 

able to hold myself as a parent with more compassion which 

supports me to care for my 3 children while working part time. My relationship with my parents has improved and I feel more 

understanding and appreciative towards them. I enjoy the loving 

kindness that Ratnadevi brings to coaching as well as an honesty 

and courage to challenge that I find engenders trust and deepens 

the level of change. I am impressed with the effectiveness of the 

methods she uses. After each session I feel energised and hopeful 

and have noticed afterwards a shift towards new and enjoyable

 ways of being and acting.

 Liz Henderson, Psychiatrist

Ratnadevi is a kind and embodied mentor who helps me to identify the edges of my comfort zone and opportunities for new growth. 

A.Anonymous, consultant clinical psychologist

My hourly fees are on a sliding scale of £60 - £80 for private individuals.  I also  work for companies.  Please get in touch to discuss fees.  

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